Submitting a Champion to the Gallery:

To list your champion Cardigan Welsh Corgi to the gallery, please send the following information to the e-mail address   below:

Registered Name (with titles)

Country of Origin
3 generation Pedigree (optional)

Send to:     Phil Bitter-van Sliedregt

Submitting a Photo

Photos can be sent to the above as an attachment.

Images should be no larger than 500 x 500 dpi at a resolution of no higher than 150 dpi or no larger than about 70-100KB file size. If you aren't sure or don't know the size of your image or don't have a way to edit an image to this size, it's still not a problem. Just e-mail first to notify that you may be sending a large attachement or get further instructions. Alternately, an original photo can be sent to Phil, but it will not be returned due to expenses for postage.

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